Wellness Challenges

Deep Breathing Exercise

Challenge 1

Take a break and practice deep breathing for 10 minutes. This exercise helps to calm the mind and body, and can help with stress.


10 minutes challenge

Mindful Walking

Challenge 2

Take a short mindful walk outdoors or indoors,focusing on the environment around them. Aim for a 10-minute walk, paying attention to the sounds, and feelings.


10 minutes challenge

Gratitude Journaling

Challenge 3

Spend a few minutes writing down three things they are grateful for each day. This can help shift focus to positive aspects of life.


20 minutes challenge

Stretch Breaks

Challenge 4

Take mini stretch breaks throughout the day to release tension and improve circulation. This can help improve overall well-being.


10 minutes challenge

Digital Detox

Challenge 5

Take a break from screens for a designated period, such as one hour before bedtime or during meal times. Engage in offline activities like reading, crafting, or spending time with loved ones.


20 minutes challenge

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Challenge 6

Take some time to practice a progressive muscle relaxation exercise,and relax different muscle groups in your body. This can help alleviate physical tension and promote relaxation.


10 minutes challenge

Nature Connection

Challenge 7

Spend time in nature, whether it's taking a walk in a park, sitting by a tree, or simply gazing at the sky. Being in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood.


20 minutes challenge

Visualization Exercise

Challenge 8

Take some time to practice visualization exercise in a peaceful and calming environment. This practice can help shift focus from stressors to positive aspects of life.


10 minutes challenge

Social Connection

Challenge 9

Reach out to a friend or family member for social support and connection. Even a brief conversation or message exchange can help alleviate stress and boost mood.


20 minutes challenge

Self-Compassion Practice

Challenge 10

Practice self-compassion by being kind to yourself. This can help alleviate stress and boost mood.


10 minutes challenge